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[Atypical] Beauty Products I'm Apeshit For

[Atypical] Beauty Products I'm Apeshit For

Silk'n Flash & Go at-home laser hair remover: I’ve been waiting a long time for at-home laser hair removal to go down in price, and it finally did! I got this baby for $150 on Amazon, and it works ~pretty~ well. The thing about laser hair removal is that it does work, but you might have to do it a zillion times in order to see permanent results, which is why rich-lady expensive salon treatments usually leave people feeling a little scammed. Anyway, the Silk'n did kinda hurt at first, and it’s a little alarming when the light pops, but I’m super stoked to have [maybe almost] hair-free legs this summer. I’m trying to get a few more treatments in this winter while my skin is still pale, because it works best with the contrast of dark hair on light skin. And you know what? I’m actually pretty keen on my indoor-ivory complexion right now!

Invisalign: I actually completed my treatment a little over a year ago, but I’m adding this to the list because I just went in for a checkup and a new nighttime retainer this morning, and it reminded me how fucking happy I am that I did the treatment…even though it is not invisible, and I had to pay for it myself at 25-years old. Coughing up 5 grand in just over a year hurt, but it was soooooooo worth it. More than I would have ever admitted, my one crooked tooth bothered me every single day since it grew in in 4th grade. And it wasn’t cute-crooked, like Jewel or Kirsten Dunst. It was completely turned to the side, making it appear as a little pointy fang-tooth. I mean, I’m into vampires, but…

Daily vitamin: I only half believe in taking a multi-vitamin every day, but knock on wood, my skin is always little clearer when I pop one every morning. 

The Pill: I am currently taking Desogen birth control pills, and I one hundred percent believe these give me the best baby butter skin ever. I never had super nice skin as a teenager or young adult until I got on birth control and stayed on it consistently. Also, I’ve learned that it really needs to be treated as a 24-hour pill. I set an reminder on my phone and take it at the exact same time every morning, give or take 10 minutes. 

SPF on ma’ face every damn day: There is anti-aging lotion, and there’s sunscreen. I’ve heard that people with oily skin will get less wrinkles later on in life. This is great for me because I have oily skin, but also because it implies that dry skin will wrinkle. Sun screen will keep your skin from drying out, and thus prevent wrinkles. Right now I’m using this Murad stuff that I got from Sephora with a Christmas gift card. Normally, I wouldn’t spend that much, but it’s doing the trick right now, and I don’t need much ‘cause it’s still winter here in Portland. 

Anastasia Dipbrow PomadeThis is not really an atypical beauty product, as manicured eyebrows are sohotrightnow, but I’m obsessed with it, so it’s going on the list. It acts as a wax and a powder and it makes me feel safe. I learned that the little cylinder symbol with the number in it that’s stamped on all of our makeup items is the number of months that the product is good after opening it. Now that I know this, I know why some mascaras tell me to fuck off after just a couple of months, and also why investing in a fresh pot of the Dipbrow eyebrow pomade every 6 months is actually a good idea. 

NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer: This is also a pretty classic makeup product, but it’s basically making me look like I get 8 hours of sleep every night, which I am very pleased with. I used to religiously use Maybelline Instant Age Rewind for under-eye circles and blemish touch-up, but now I use this stuff, which I got in the alluring sample wonderland that is the checkout line at Sephora. I got mine in the lightest color, Vanilla, because, I reiterate: it’s winter, and also I may have read somewhere that you should go a shade lighter than your foundation for under your eyes. 

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