Poke around.

Do some reading.

Stay a while.

How to Become The Queen of Your World

How to Become The Queen of Your World

You rule your world, though it’s far from perfect. You rule the food you eat and the clothes you wear. You rule your moods and your fitness and your sincerity. You rule your Netflix choices too. 

You’re the queen of your universe. Maybe you have a king, maybe you don’t. Maybe sometimes you feel like an evil queen, the older you get. The more heads you bite off. 

You wake up in the morning and you are queen of the coffee. You’re queen of not showering, ruler of all dry shampoo. You put a a pen in your ponytail and you become queen of that, too. On your drive to work, you become the duchess of song, belting lyrics out like your wrote them. Like they were written for you. 

You’re the queen of kindness. You wish the best for your friends. You are pleased when they look beautiful. You want them to find love, get promotions, make money. 

You’re wearing all black again, and you’re the queen of your coven. Dark lips and deep laughs and love spells for all. You rule the night and laugh like a band of witches. 

You’re queen of Halloween, with costumes planned for the next four years. You covet pumpkins and brew potions. Lady of the night. You feel more like yourself in the fall, anyway. 

You’re queen of puns and jokes and comedy. You have control of the room and you make the people laugh. 

You’re the queen of hearts. The Dairy Queen. Queen of kings and fancy things. 

You rule your imperfection. You dictate spilled coffee and saying the wrong thing. You stumble and mess up and you’re the queen of your chaos. 

You read some books about vampires and become queen of the damned. 

You think good thoughts and wish for equality and love for all. You vote and you tweet and you hashtag, and then one day, #lovewins. Love wins, you queen, you. 

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