Poke around.

Do some reading.

Stay a while.

Tips for Almost-Fall

Tips for Almost-Fall

Google when the Gilmore Girls revival will premier on Netflix and feel relieved because you totally have time to fill in the gaps you missed in seasons 4, 5, and 6. 

Spend a whole weekend in Stars Hollow, if you know what I mean…

Convince your boyfriend to go with you to the supermarket to purchase 5 bags of Halloween candy. Have an honest talk with yourself about how quickly you’ll go through it. 

Dig out your boots and sweaters, even though the 10-day forecast promises 86 and sunny. 

Speaking of the weather still being hot…go down to that new ice cream shop and make sure they stamp your loyalty card. Only 5 more scoops ‘til you hate yourself!

Excitedly set your DVR to record the new season of American Horror Story when you read that this is the first year they haven’t released the theme or characters before the premier.

Continue to eat all the things because your sister’s wedding is over and you don’t really have anything you need to fit into besides your all-black wardrobe you’ll be dusting off this week.  

Add all of the presidential and veep debates to your calendar and invite your loved ones over to cheer or cry with you. 

Consider purchasing a crock pot for hosting events, laughing at yourself a little, because did you really think you were gonna learn how to make pulled pork?

Follow every single Instagram account that has used the hashtag #TheWomanCard.

Figure out when the new Harry Potter spinoff movie about monsters comes out and mark your calendar!

Feel a little bad for yourself when you find out that you’ll miss The Craft’s 20th anniversary party. 

Google “The Craft remake rumors”.

Feel pretty smug as your Halloween costume starts coming together, piece by piece. 

Reclaim a Fall tip from last year and search out coffee shops that use real pumpkin in their lattes, instead of actual acid. 

In Defense of An Early Bedtime

In Defense of An Early Bedtime

Your Weekend Horoscopes: Heatwave Edition

Your Weekend Horoscopes: Heatwave Edition