Poke around.

Do some reading.

Stay a while.

You're Only Human

You're Only Human

So maybe you got a little jealous, or maybe you felt the urge to compete for the attention of the opposite sex. You’re only human. Maybe you felt overwhelmed about  everything going on in your life and you started crying because your body was  having a physical reaction to the stress. That’s okay. You felt a little  dependent on coffee, or your spouse, or food. It’s okay. You’re only human. You felt empathetic for someone who was going through a hard time. Of course you did. You’re human. Someone asked you to do something important and it slipped your mind. It’s winter and all you want to do is stay inside and hibernate and make soup. Of course you do, because you’re a [bear?] human. You saw a baby laughing or some early sign of spring and you felt that things might be okay. You thought back on a conversation and scolded yourself for saying too much or too little, because you’re only human. Maybe you started getting sweaty and pink in the face because you were excited and nervous to see someone. You helped someone get up after they fell down and you lent your friend some money. You felt compassion, because you’re human. You miss a person or a time in your life, even though you don’t want them back. You stopped paying attention for 0.2 seconds and dropped something or swerved or wrecked. You’re only human. You wish you could turn back time. It’s okay to feel this way. You want to keep your loved ones as close as possible. You want to stock up on the good things in your life. The good food. The good people. The good books. Your youth and beauty. The person you’re in love with. You want to stock up. You worry that these things might run out. Some of them will run out. Some of them won’t. Some people will stick with you forever. Some of them won’t. You won’t believe the people you’ll meet. You’ll forget what your life was like before they entered. You’ll wonder what used to fill your thoughts and your time before you met them. You might hurt their feelings. You might bake them cookies or send them a silly text. You’ll do this funny universal thing called laughing, which is the same in every language. You’ll see the beauty in that because you’re human.

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